A centre for a living tradition in a living landscape

Views from our Secret Observers

The camera traps have been checked again, providing more fascinating and delightful views of the creatures at Greenstreete that we would not normally be able to see…

Deer at Crossing
Deer Swimming Crossing
Otter mum and cub at Crossing, Misty
Otter mum and cub at Crossing, whistle
Pair of Otters at Crossing, going upstream
ST camera, mink
ST camera, Otters


  1. Roger

    Very good to see x x

  2. chris

    Delighted to see otter cub!

  3. Ingrid

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful videos. Otters and polecats…whatever next?

  4. Elizabeth Walford

    Lovely to see all these nocturnal creatures (not the deer or buzzard) using the river so happily1

    • Land Matters

      Lovely to see the deer and buzzard too! 🙂

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